Adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle

Yoga help us to avoid future suffering caused by imbalances in the mind, body and spirit.

The word “Balance” is at the centre of classical definitions of mental health (in yoga) and physical health (in Ayurveda).

Thus, health is not something that is permanently achieved. On the contrary, health is a day-to-day creation and maintenance.

May we all learn to live our lives wisely, respecting the body’s natural mechanisms, understanding the triggers of the mind and the needs of your soul.

Keeping a regular yoga / meditation practice helps us maintaining our health in check.

Group Courses in Classroom

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1:1 Private sessions

Restore your health

Lets work together to address:
  • Sleeping issues,
  • Chronique fatigue,
  • Burn out,
  • Early stages of depression,
  • Back pain
  • Anxiety and panic attacks

Without drugs and pills. By creating new wholesome habits.
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