Would you like to worry less and sleep better?

Transform your Sleep with meditation

In 5 short weeks this course will help you to find and eliminate the root cause of your anxiety and overwhelm. The result will be a peaceful, focused and pleasant mind, so that you can get the sleep you finally deserve.
Write your awesome label here.

For Whom?

For those who feel worried, stressed, and overwhelmed on a regular basis. 
  • Do you have troubles sleeping?
  • Is a critical mind limiting you from expanding to your inherent potential? 
  • Does anxiety prevents you from making the most of life and from moments with family?
  • Do you feel that you need to cultivate some silence in your daily life but you don't know where to start?
  • Is your mind overly critical, overdoing, and worried about the tiniest detail in a project (at work or at home)?

Your answer is "yes"?

then this course is for you.

What's included?

  • 2x 1 hour LIVE Online Training Sessions per week for 5 weeks
  • 8 guided practices to download in your own time
  • Full access to the online platform for 8 weeks
  • Group support 
  • Q&A in-between sessions 

Sleeping well is not a luxury, it is a necessity


Insomnia is thought to be induced by a hyperarousal condition that interferes with sleeping or staying asleep. Stress, lifestyle, irregular sleep habits, physical pain, and drugs, among other things, all cause hyperarousal, which can be both mental and physical.


Today, about one third of the population complains of sleep problems, and one in ten people suffer from chronic sleep disorders. In Switzerland, this corresponds to more than two million people. 


The quality of your sleep reveals a lot about the state of your mind. If you are unable to let go of your daily affairs and worries (family or work related) you will not be able to sleep well (even if you fall asleep quickly, your body might be tense during the whole night). 


Poor sleep has short- and long-term negative effects on your health and consequently increases your health care costs. A person having sleep troubles spends more on health care because their immune system is weaker.  The cumulative effects of sleep loss and sleep disorders have been associated with a wide range of deleterious health consequences, including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke.

What Students say about this
5-week Sleep Transformation Program 

I enrolled in this course because I was stressed and had trouble sleeping. What helped me the most was the creation of a habit, the constant follow-up, and the calm atmosphere of the classroom. I now practise at home on a regular basis. 
As a result of regular practice, I can now take a step back from difficult events and I can also use the tools I learned to calm my breath."
I chose to take this course because I was living too much in my mind, and that wasn't pleasant. This course is well-structured and progressive. I found the group accountability exercise with a message every day to motivate each other to be beneficial. Meditation is now a daily ritual for me, and I feel calmer as a result. 
What I liked the most in this practice is to experience a moment of peace, of soothing serenity. I appreciated the precise instructions formulated with gentleness and empathy. I found a harmony between meditation and breathing: a true moment of well-being.

Meditation is both a method and a state of being

Just like a mountain has different paths to get to the summit. The different methods of meditation (paths) take a person to the same summit that is the state of a quiet and silent mind.
Write your awesome label here.

What Will You Learn?

  • How to sit for meditation properly so that your posture in meditation and in live is stable and comfortable. Absolutely tension free to the body or mind.
  • How to deepen relaxation so that relaxation becomes second nature for you and you can relax before sleep or when you feel the body is getting tense.
  • Different qualities the breath and how the breath affects your nervous system so that you know how to work with your breath to calm your mind.
  • Different exercises to improve concentration so that you become the master of your mind and not the mind your master.
  • Techniques to calm the mind so that you have a box of tools you can choose from when you experience a hijack from your emotional brain.
  • How to establish a daily practice at home so that you can practice from the comfort of your home, whenever you need and at your own pace.
Write your awesome label here.

What To Expect?

Participants that attend classes on a regular basis and complete the assigned activities on a daily basis will benefit from the following:

Regular practice of a process that will leave you feeling calmer.
Timeless techniques for relaxing your mind and body so that sleep just happens.
Begin to comprehend the nature of the mind, ways to regulate overthinking and improve sleep.

Create a daily home practice of meditation that is tailored to your specific needs.
Experiencing glimpses of a clear and pleasant mind.


Week 1
Introduction: Why, What and how of meditation

Week 4
Breath - Rediscovering the pleasure of breathing 

Week 2
Posture - Creating a stable and comfortable posture

Week 5
Mind – Tools to help maintain focus

 Week 3
Relaxing - The royal path to deep meditation

Maria Miguel Ribeiro

Helping People to Feel the joy of a quiet mind

My search for peace and silence started in 2010. I longed for peace and liberation from the oppression of my own mind. The journey lead me to meet to study with great masters.

The timeless wisdom shared by these masters and their lineage of teachers inspired and transform my own life. From an academic researcher working on sustainability to become an avid practitioner of yoga and meditation. 

Today I am passionate about sharing these teachings. I wish to inspire seekers to overcome the pains of an overthinking mind, discover the bliss of a quiet mind and the pure inner joy that results from this work.
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